Monday, December 30, 2013

The Bloomer Blues

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud as mom relayed the story to me about my little cousin’s Christmas morning.    Apparently as the six year old began to open up her pile of presents on Christmas day the first package she came across didn’t quite meet her expectations.  “You have got to be kidding me? BLOOMERS!” the little blonde said in disgust before she went on to the “good” stuff that was hidden in the rest of the presents.  In case any of you need an education on Southern lingo, bloomers is another word we use for underwear, or if you want to get even fancier…panties.  When I thought and laughed about her reaction I could relate.  Who really wants bloomers for Christmas?  But I know that there are things called necessities in life and unless something drastically changes in my world I need bloomers.  Her parents knew she needed them too, so they threw them in along with the toys and the fun stuff.  In my life there are so many times I don’t ask God to give me the necessities. If I’m being honest, most of the time when I ask God for things, I want the “good” stuff!  The exciting stuff! I don’t often pray for my daily bread, for clothes on my back, and shoes on my feet.  I live in America where those things are taken for granted every day, they are expected.  The fast food mentality, “give me what I want and give it to me now.” Waiting is not an option.

I have a tendency to ask for the exciting and miraculous things.  Which isn’t inherently bad, there just needs to be balance.  I am to trust Him in all things.  Just like a loving parent, God sometimes chooses to give me what I need not what I want.  He gives me things I didn’t ask for versus the things I do.  Just like a child I can become self-centered and have a “hissy fit” until I can regain my composure realizing God knows more about what I should have and when, than I do.  He is sovereign, I am not.  When I start getting an attitude problem receiving the necessities from God I know I need to check myself because I may have gotten too big for my bloomers!  Have a great week!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”  James 1:17 NIV

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