Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Distractions Dissolve Discernment

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 NIV

Just woke up, let me grab my cell phone from the charger.  Oh B texted, let me answer her.  I need coffee and breakfast, but I guess I need to grab my bible and my daily devotion on the way to the kitchen.  Bark, bark, bark.  I need to let the dogs out for their potty break.  I walk out of my room forgetting to grab my devotional.  I let the dogs out and sit down to get my breakfast.  Oh B answered my text.  Texting, texting, texting.  I wonder if I got a delivery confirmation for that package I ordered?  I sit down at the computer to start checking all of my email accounts and since I’m already there I check my social media sites too.  The phone rings, it’s my Nanny, “Sure I’ll be over there to pick you up in about 10 minutes.”  I’m out the door…

This is what my days have been like recently.  I keep being brought to a reoccurring theme right now, distraction, and how that distraction hinders the voice of God in my life.  His voice is always so quiet as it is.  I find myself lacking discernment in many areas of my life because I’ve let other sounds drown out His voice.  My focus has been blurred.  Dogs whining and barking to be let outside, also living with other people again that I have to share space with.  The television has become an attention stealer again, I like to blame DVR technology and it’s wonderful convenience.  The computer and my lovely cell phone are controlling my life again.  There was a time I would turn the phone off for a while, now I’m back to having it at my side, a constant interruption.  There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things if used sparingly but I’m to a point where it’s all too much. 

Distractions dissolve discernment.

Just writing all of these things down helps me to see the place I’ve journeyed to.  The land of distraction, I’ve pitched a tent.  I have been through this before and had to tear up those stakes I’ve driven in the ground.  This is definitely a place I don’t want to live in.  When I get distracted by all of the things around me I lose my peace and purpose.  I lose sight of what God’s still small voice is trying to tell me.  Then I wonder around aimlessly from one day to another, accomplishing nothing for God or with God.  But the good news is I can make those changes with His help.  I’ve made decisions in the past to leave everything off and do my devotion time first, starting my day with God.  I’ve taken thirty day breaks from Facebook.  I’ve turned my phone off and went to a quiet place to read the bible or pray.  I know for my start this week I have a new Beth Moore member book ordered that I’m anxious to begin.  With that I can focus on God’s word through the study in a more organized way.  And I also realize I am going to have to make myself prioritize quiet time with God, I can’t be passive about it.  Following Jesus is not about “works” but sometimes I do have to dig my heels in with some good old fashioned discipline and say NO to the things that try to steal my time away from Him.

Distractions dissolve discernment.

Have you let distractions take you away from time with God?  What practical changes can you make starting today? 

Pray for me and I’ll pray for you!


  1. Great post! Distractions have joined me at the hip and I'm still working on how to cut it away :(
    Stopped over from Compel.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Tammy and for the feedback! I'll check out your blog, hope you are enjoying Compel as much as I am :)

  3. Wonderful post Brandy! Sounds like my life lately, except I don't have dogs lol. Compel has been amazing; so blessed to connect with you and others as we continue this journey God has planned for us.

    1. Ha ha Doris I am actually new to this doggy momma business but I'm loving it! I don't have any children so he is my new baby. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Amen! Got off of FB for that very reason; then started up a church page just to keep our folk in the loop: password was compromised, FB wanted Government I.D. to prove my identity! I hear Ya, God, I hear Ya!

    Thanks Brandy!

    1. I really hated to see what happened with the church FB page Pastor Mike, so silly!
