Sunday, January 5, 2014

To Fast Or Not To Fast, That Is The Question

I remember several years back when I was fairly new to the idea of fasting; I was really struggling to follow through.  One thing you must know about me is I am an absolute sucker for brownies and chocolate chip cookies; they are very high on my list of favorite things in life.  So keeping that in mind, I was sitting at work during one of my water only days and I was STARVING.  My coworker sitting across from me pulls out a plastic container of…chocolate chip cookies.  My body is screaming, GIVE ME COOKIE!  But my mind was in control so when she asked if I would like one I said,” No thank you” and continued staring at the computer screen.  As most of you probably know, one of the important factors of fasting is to try your best to keep it private because it really is just between you and God.  So imagine my dismay when after about five minutes of my coworker savoring the cookies in front of me, she says “Are you sure you don’t want any?”  You see, this particular coworker is what I like to call a “food pusher”, very similar to a drug pusher, she wants you to have just a little bit.  And please know this is something I’ve told her to her face, she understands the implications.  She wants you to eat with her.  She needs you to eat with her.  Once again, I politely said, “No thank you.”  But the last straw came when she actually took the container of cookies and pushed them closer to me and said,” Eat one.”  I lost it.  “I’m fasting and I can’t have a cookie!” I say exasperated.  Her eyes got so wide and she started apologizing.  Of course I felt a little guilty for spilling the beans but my will power was sinking, I did what I had to do for self-preservation.  Plus I don’t think smacking my coworker over some cookies would have been in line with my fasting purposes!  From what I understand God doesn’t like that kind of behavior so…

The church I have been attending is starting a 21 day “Daniel Fast” this week.  I thought it was really encouraging for the church itself to ask members to fast corporately, they’ve also set up several special prayer services during the fasting period.  This is something that you see happening during the month of January at churches all across the country.  I myself have never successfully completed a 21 day Daniel fast; I started one several years back and didn’t make it through the whole 21 days.  But I just wanted to take a minute and encourage other Christians to fast, it is most certainly not a topic I am an expert on but over the last several years I have tried several versions.  Fasting is mentioned throughout the Old and New Testament.  It went hand and hand with prayer.  You don’t have to start out doing a long fast like the Daniel one, if you are new to the spiritual discipline start small.  Go one day without food and just water.  Give up caffeine for a week.  Drink only liquids and no food.  The possibilities are limitless.  The main part is where your heart is, the purpose of a fast is to draw nearer to God and seek Him through prayer.  If you take the spiritual portion of the fast out, then you are just on some type of radical diet.  Fasting is a SPIRITUAL thing.   Two great books you should check out that I have read are “Fasting” by Jentezen Franklin, and “The Daniel Fast” by Susan Gregory.  The Franklin book is great because he goes into the scriptural reasons for a fast and gives you examples of different types of fasts.  The Gregory book really gives a lot of good information on what you can and cannot eat on specifically the Daniel fast, also tons of recipes. 

Just like the salvation experience, it is hard to describe fasting to someone who has never done it.  While fasting I have felt so much closer to God.  During those times of fasting it brought to my attention that I spend a lot of time thinking about food and planning around my next meal, fasting takes that physical need and puts it behind the spiritual.  I felt more awake spiritually.  I also have had many breakthroughs in prayer; I have had answers come to prayers I had been praying for months during my time of fasting.  The story in Matthew 17 where the father of a boy who was possessed by a demon asked Jesus’ disciples to help his son and the disciples could not.  Jesus cast the demon out and when the disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t Jesus replied, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.  However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matt 17:20-21 NKJV)  One could argue that some answers only come through prayer AND fasting like this incident from scripture.  
So as we continue into this New Year please consider trying a fast, what would it hurt?  I promise you that you will find out exactly what I am talking about when you make the effort to get to know God more.  No, it’s not about showing everyone how “good” of a Christian you are, or trying to “trick” God into giving you something you want.  It should be a sincere, humbling, and private time of seeking out your Creator.  Best wishes to those of you on your fast and Happy New Year!  

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